Innovations in Rural Skilling

Women empowerment during Training under DDU-GKY


As we know that women empowerment is a priority in the country. Our Din-Dayal Upadhyaya Gramin Kasushalya Yojana is the best example of this. Women are not only being trained but they are being empowered by teaching karate at the training center itself by some of the PIA (Basic Pvt. Ltd)    to get them out of the feeling of insecurity and provide a safe environment. So they can learn Social Skills to make them strong and become more confident. This activity may help the candidate even in their daily personal life

Ranghey Raghaw
Author: Ranghey Raghaw

Ranghey Raghaw,Assitant Director,DDU-GKY

Ranghey Raghaw
Ranghey Raghaw,Assitant Director,DDU-GKY