Industry connect meet was organised by JKSRLM on 21-Dec-2020. Lt Governor Terms ‘Himayat Programme’-a perfect example of great synergy between the government, training partners, job providers & the people. Baseer Ahmad Khan, Advisor to the Lt Governor; Sh. BVR Subrahmanyam, Chief Secretary; Ms. Leena Johri, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj, GOI; Sh. Nitishwar Kumar, Principal Secretary to the Lt Governor; Ms. Sheetal Nanda, Secretary to the Government, Rural Development and Panchayati Raj; Sh. Kapil Sharma, COO Himayat; Representatives of Corporate Planning, Research, Skilling, Consulting, Sales and Marketing, Brand Management and Biotech Healthcare were present on the occasion.
Monitoring visit to the DDUGKY training centres are not only for the purpose of inspection but also identify the skills inherent in the youths of rural India. One such visit was conducted to the Patipukur Training centre located in Kolkata, West Bengal of PIA JIS Foundation on 18-02-2020. The PIA implements Hospitality Assistant HOS/705 course […]
A lecture on Skill Development Programmes with a special focus on DDU-GKY has been imparted to the students of Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) Hyderabad on 12th February 2020 at NIRDPR. The participants have shown their keen interest to learn about the programme and had participated actively throughout the sessions. Moreover, success stories of […]
The 10th Project Approval Committee (PAC) meeting for allocating DDU-GKY training targets to agencies (As per MoRD notification 20/2017) of Punjab Skill Development Mission held on 14-12-2020 at 10:30AM in the office of PSDM through Video Conference under the Chairmanship of Worthy Secretary, Department of Employment Generation, Skill Development and Training. The representatives and committee […]